Here you will find a growing list of resources and other important information that you may find useful as you navigate through the maze of attaining top quality pediatric medical care and raising healthy children.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Pete provides sound advice and insight on some of the most frequently asked questions he gets from parents about child rearing and basic medical advice.
I’m confused about what I hear in the media about vaccinations. Are they safe? Do they cause autism?
Over-the-Counter Medications
What is your opinion on the use of over-the-counter medications?
Do you recommend vitamins for kids?
Allergies and Genetics
If I’m allergic to something does it mean my children will also be allergic?
Ear Wax
How do I clean the ear wax from my child’s ears?
I have a 5 year old son, and I think the school is heading towards telling me that he is ADHD and is going to want to prescribe something. Where do I go from here?
I have a 12 year old son who is in the 7th grade and goes to public school. I suspect that he has Dyslexia. Is there a test for it?
Does Almaden Pediatrics take my insurance?
Click here for a list of insurance plans that we accept, or call us to ask about your specific plan.

Schedule of Check Ups & Vaccines
Birth to 18 Months
Birth: Hepatitis B #1
1 month: None
2 months: Vaxelis #1 (Dtap , Polio, HiB, Hep B), Pneumococcus #1, and Rotavirus #1
4 months: Vaxelis #2 (Dtap, Polio, HiB, Heb B), Pneumococcus #2, and Rotavirus #2
6 months: Vaxelis #3 (Dtap, Polio, HiB, Hep B), Pneumococcus #3, and Rotavirus #3
9 months: None
12 months: Proquad #1 (MMR, Chicken Pox), and Hepatitis A #1
15 months: Dtap #4, Prevnar #4, Hib #4
18 months: Hepatitis A #2
2 Years to 6 Years
2-3 years: No vaccines if all have been completed as recommended.
4 years: Proquad #2 (MMR/Chicken Pox), DtaP #5, Polio #4
5 years: No immunizations if all have been completed as recommended.
(NOTE: These vaccines are typically administered together as part of the pre-kindergarten visit. For children who will be having their pre-kindergarten visit while still 4 years old, they will generally receive the Chicken Pox vaccine in addition to the “Kinder Shots.”)
6 Years to 10 Years
Yearly check ups. No scheduled vaccines.
11 Years to 18 Years
Yearly Check ups
11-12 years: Tdap, Meningitis #1, Gardasil (HPV)
16-18 years: Meningitis #2

Growth Charts
Birth to 36 Months for Boys
Boys Height/Weight
Boys Head Circumference
Birth to 36 Months for Girls
Girls Height/Weight
Girls Head Circumference
2 Years to 20 Years for Boys
Boys Height/Weight
Boys Body Mass Index
2 Years to 20 Years for Girls
Recommended Reading
Books on Basic Parenting Skills
Systematic Training for Effective Parenting Don Dinkmeyer
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child Rex Forehand & Nicholas Long
Parents in Charge: Setting Healthy, Loving Boundaries for You and Your Child Dana Chidekel
The Wonder of Boys Michael Gurian
The Wonder of Girls Michael Gurian
Get Out of My Life, But First Can You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall? A Parent’s Guide to the New Teenager Anthony E. Wolf
Queen Bees & Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends & Other Realities of Adolescence Rosalind Wiseman
Books to Help your Children Develop Healthy Sleeping Habits
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child Marc Weissbluth
On Becoming Babywise Gary Ezzo & Robert Bucknam
Solve Your Childs Sleep Problems Richard Ferber
Guide to Your Child’s Sleep American Academy Of Pediatrics & Inc D.S.H. Publishing
Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book Dr. Seuss
The Going to Bed Book Sondra Boynton
Books on Puberty for Girls
My Body, My Self for Girls: “What’s Happening to My Body?” Quizbook and Journal, Second Edition Lynda Madaras & Area Madaras
The Period Book: Everything You Don’t Want to Ask (But Need to Know) Karen Gravelle
The Care & Keeping of You: The Body Book for Girls American Girl Library Valorie Schaefer
Growing Up, It’s a Girl Thing: Straight Talk About First Bras, First Periods, and Your Changing Body Mavis Jukes & Debbie Tilley
Books about Parenting Teens
Get Out of My Life, But First Can You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall? A Parent’s Guide to the New Teenager Anthony E. Wolf
Queen Bees & Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends & Other Realities of Adolescence Rosalind Wiseman
Staying Connected to Your Teenager: How to Keep Them Talking to You and How to Hear What They’re Really Saying Michael Riera
Surviving High School Michael Riera
Parents, Teens and Boundaries: How to Draw the Line Jane Bluestein

Helpful Links
Car Seats
SeatCheck.org – Find a certified child safety seat inspection station to make sure your child’s car seat is installed properly. Find car seat laws for california. Links to other helpful car seat information.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – Watch videos on proper installation of car seats for all ages.
Home Safety
The Well Home Check Program – Information on childproofing your house for children of all ages.
Safe Kids USA – Injury prevention information.
California Poison Control System – How to prevent accidental poisonings at home, and what to do if your child ingests something.
Consumer Product Safety Commission – Information on unsafe child products and product recalls.
Health and Parenting
Healthy Children – A comprehensive website for parents which has information on child behavior and development, parenting tips, health and safety information and more.
Symptom Checker – Is your child sick? Easy to read information on symptoms, home treatments, when to call the doctor, and more.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Trusted and accurate information on infectious diseases, injury prevention, vaccines, etc.
Travel Information
CDC Travelers’ Health – Are you planning on traveling out of the country with your child? This website has all information you need on required and recommended vaccines and medications for travel to each country, travel safety, tips, travel notices and more.
Community Resources
Almaden Soccer
Almaden Baseball
Los Gatos Little League
Willow Glen Baseball
Union Baseball
Blossom Valley Baseball
Almaden National Junior Basketball
Alamden Pop Warner Football
Santa Teresa/Oak Grove Little League
School Districts
Information about schools in your neighborhood including registration information, immunization requirments, downloadable registration forms.
San Jose Unified
Oak Grove
Los Gatos
Morgan Hill
Private Schools
Almaden Country
Apostles Lutheran
Holy Spirit
Los Gatos Christian
St. Timothy’s
St. Christopher’s
Valley Christian
We do not recommend any specific pre-school. This is simply a list of the pre-schools in our area that many or our patients attend.
Action Day Willow Glen
Discovery Years
Harwood Hills
Little Oak
San Jose Parent Participation
Shephard of the Valley